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Doing a lot of drawing at home these days?

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Doing a lot of drawing at home these days?
Nitram Baton boxes.JPG

I love this product (Nitram Batons) and advocate using them in your drawings. I endorse this product from an artistic point of view, and not from a monetary one as I don’t incur financial gain.

You can order them from the safety of your own home during these tumultuous times of COVID-19.

I found this review of the product and it made me feel so proud. Wishing everyone “happy drawing!”

Nitram Baton Review – by Minnie Bhupathi

The minute I saw the Nitram Baton advertisement featuring the Academy of Realist Art, Toronto, I knew I had to try this out for myself.

I sent out for the package right away.

I received it in the mail and the unboxing was super fun
because it came in a really fancy looking box.

The Baton itself is rather long about 9 inches, but very light.
The plastic is slightly textured so it enables a nice grip.

I am planning to get my cast drawing students to try this out and am considering adding it to the material list for my atelier students.

Minnie Bhupathi – Atelier”

See the full review by clicking below.