Boynes Posts Interview with AlexandreaArtist

I am so pleased to share a link - My Artists Interview with Boynes was an absolute delight!
I would love 💕 to take this opportunity to thank @boynesartistaward for the Artist Award and the Artist 🧑🎨 Interview - this experience was such a delight… it was the icing 🧁 on the cake 🍰 🥰❣️
Question: What do I hope to communicate to an audience through my work?
Answer: Truth. Always truth. And beauty. Beauty - not as superficial or pretty or hollow or vapid. My definition of beauty entails truth, wellness, learning, growth, collaboration and love ❤️ as an essential ‘way of being’ in the world 🌎.
Art saves lives🙌 - I believe this. Art celebrates life and shows us the way. Artists 🧑🎨 light 💡 the path for others through their art 🖼️ and their own internal lantern. 🏮
Please visit for my full interview.
Visit my website for more of my work 🖼️❣️🦋
John Jennings